External Use of Water

There shall be no exterior use of water on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.  This irrigation ban is strickly enforced by the Central Hooksett Water Precinct from July 1st thru September 15th during our highest demand months of the year in order to stay in compliance with the allowable contracted daily flows from Manchester Water Works.

Exceptions can be made by the superintendant if he/she feels it is necessary.

Central Hooksett Water is contracted through Manchester Water Works whole sale agreement to not go over 770,348 gallon per day of water used. Normal water usage for the precinct is 350,000 - 400,000 gallons per day. During the summer months, the precinct can see up to 1,000,000 gallons per day being used due to irrigation. Because of this, a water restriction was put in place to stay below the contracted daily limit of water used.

1st offense - warning

2nd offense - $100 fine

3rd offense - $300 fine and termination of water service. Additional fee of $50 for service to be restored if disconnected.